MPs concerned over cuts to in-school counsellors.

MP’s have raised concerns that schools are cutting back on in-school counselling because of cuts in educations funding from central Government. Counselling with Care are very fortunate to work in local primary and secondary schools. Our work is valued by the head teachers and staff and most of all by the pupils. It is…

Grenfell Tower

Grenfell Tower: 60 trauma counsellors brought in for firefighters Support is being put in place for the emergency services and the victims after the horrific events of the Grenfell Tower. Anyone involved in the events that took place it is imperative they have access to counselling to process the trauma of it. I hope the…

Men at Work

New research shows, men are twice as likely as women to blame their work for their mental health problems, yet are less likely to seek help and take time off. What stops men from opening up? What stops them seeking professional help? Do we still live in a macho culture? At Counselling with Care we…